
Apply now for the 2015 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School
Jan. 7, 2015
The 2015 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion is now accepting applications for the June 21 - 26 session. Apply online at
2014 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School - Student Interviews
Jan. 4, 2015
The 2014 CEFRC Summer School was held June 23 - 27 at Princeton University. In this video, UC Berkeley students Casey Zak, Miguel Aznar, Purdue University student Sarah Isert, and USC student Angella Johnson were asked for their thoughts on the program.
Volume 4 Issue 2 of the CEFRC Newsletter available online
March 6, 2014
Volume 4 Issue 2 of the CEFRC Newsletter is now available online at The newsletter is one of various methods of updating the community with our CEFRC research and other activities of interest. Comments and suggestions for future articles are very welcome. We hope to hear from you!
Announcing the 5th session of the Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion
Feb. 7, 2014
The Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center (CEFRC) has conducted a Summer School on Combustion since 2010. This Summer School is a week-long program intended for advanced graduate students and senior researchers in the field of combustion science. The educational and networking experience has been greatly appreciated by those who attended in the past sessions. We are now pleased to announce the offering of our fifth session, scheduled for June 22-27, 2014.
Green and Truhlar Article Featured in JACS Spotlights
Aug. 27, 2013
Professors Willilam H. Green and Donald G. Truhlar's recently accepted article “New Pathways for Formation of Acids and Carbonyl Products in Low-Temperature Oxidation: The Korcek Decomposition of γ-ketohydroperoxides (DOI: 10.102/ja4034439) was featured in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) Spotlights in August 2013.
Research by PI Donald G. Truhlar featured in EMSL highlight
March 7, 2013
Research by CEFRC PI Donald G. Truhlar of the University of Minnesota and his group is featured as an Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) highlight.
Latest CEFRC Newsletter is Online
Feb. 21, 2013
Volume 3 Issue 2 of the CEFRC newsletter is now available online at The newsletter is one of various methods of updating the community with our CEFRC research and other activities of interest. Comments and suggestions for future articles are very welcome. We hope to hear from you!
Online Applications for 2013 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School On Combustion
Jan. 30, 2013

The 2013 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School On Combustion is now accepting online applications at The session will be held June 23-28, 2013. Important dates:

Application deadline:           …

Emily A. Carter on Science for a Sustainable Future
Jan. 26, 2013

Panel Discussion - EFRC Summit and Forum - May 25, 2011 - Washington, DC…
2012 Summer School Lectures available online
Nov. 8, 2012
The videos of the 2012 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion lectures are now available at…. Lecture notes have also been posted. Prior year lecture videos and notes are also available online.
New issue of Frontiers in Energy Research Available Online
Oct. 17, 2012
The new issue of Frontiers in Energy Research, the EFRC newsletter, is now available at In this issue, you will find the article "Burning Butanol in a Better Engine", by CEFRC roving post docs Enoch Dames and Bret Windom, and University of Connecticut graduate student Bryan Weber.
CEFRC News Vol 3 Issue 1 Available Online
Sept. 12, 2012
Volume 3 Issue 1 of the CEFRC newsletter is now available online at The newsletter is one of various methods of updating the community with our CEFRC research and other activities of interest. Comments and suggestions for future articles are very welcome. We hope to hear from you!
Spotlight on the CEFRC
April 30, 2012
New article on the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center.
CEFRC Newsletter - newest issue now available
Feb. 29, 2012
The CEFRC Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 2, covering the July 2011-Jan 2012 period is now available online. To view, please visit
2012 Combustion Summer School On-Line Applications Available Now
Feb. 17, 2012

The 2012 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion is now accepting on-line applications. The one-week program, will take place at Princeton University from June 24-29, 2012. The 2012 session will be the third time that the Combustion Summer School has been offered. The 2012 session will again offer the foundation courses of Combustion Theory…

Prof. Norbert Peters' Combustion Theory Reference Notes Now Available
Feb. 15, 2012

We are pleased to announce that Professor Norbert Peters who delivered the Combustion Theory course during the inaugural session of the Princeton-CEFRC Summer School in 2010, has made his reference notes available online. Students may now access the manuscript at…

2012 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School Details Announced
Dec. 22, 2011
The details of the 2012 session of the Princeton-CEFRC Summer School have been announced. The session will take place June 24-29, 2012, at Princeton University.
Professor Adel F. Sarofim Passed Away Dec. 4, 2011
Dec. 14, 2011
It is with great sorrow that we share the news of the passing of Professor Adel Fares Sarofim on December 4, 2011. Professor Sarofim has been the Chair of the International Advisory Committee of the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center since its founding in August, 2009.
2011 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School Lecture Videos Available
Oct. 13, 2011
Videos of the 2011 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion Lectures are now available for viewing online.
Second Annual CEFRC Conference Held
Aug. 27, 2011
The Second Annual Conference of the CEFRC was held on August 17-19, 2011 in Princeton, NJ. To view the agenda and presentations given, please visit….
Intensive Lectures on Combustion - 2nd Annual Princeton-CEFRC Summer School
Aug. 24, 2011
On June 26, 2011, 140 students and professionals flocked to Princeton to attend the second annual Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion – a lecture series that comprised of three 15-hour, all-day, advanced courses in combustion science. The 110 graduate students and 30 professionals came from 25 states across the U.S., six foreign countries (Canada, China, France, Mexico, Sweden, and the UK), representing 56 institutions.
C&E News: Powering Innovation
Aug. 3, 2011

Powering Innovation
Chemical and Engineering News

July 11, 2011 Volume 89, Number 28 pp. 27 - 30
Facebook Video Featuring 2011 Combustion Summer School
July 14, 2011

A video about the 2011 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion has been created and posted on Facebook by Princeton's Office of Communications. The Combustion Summer School is a program run by the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center at Princeton and sponsored by the U.S. DOE.

CEFRC Members Participate In 2011 EFRC Summit & Forum
May 31, 2011
13 members of the CEFRC participate in the 2011 EFRC Summit & Forum, May 25-27, 2011, Washington, D.C.
April 15 Registration deadline for CEFRC Summer School
April 5, 2011
The application deadline for the 2011 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School has passed. The deadline for registration is April 15th. Individuals on the waiting list will be notified after the 15th if space becomes available.
2011 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School Now Accepting Applications
Feb. 14, 2011
The 2011 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School is now accepting applications. Dates for Summer 2011: June 26 - July 1, 2011 Location: Princeton University
CEFRC Newsletter & Other Center Publications Available On-Line
Jan. 17, 2011
Latest issue of CEFRC newsletter and recent Center publications now available online at CEFRC website,
Professor Chung K. Law Delivered the Dryden Lectureship in Research
Jan. 5, 2011
Professor Chung K. Law delivered the Dryden Lectureship in Research on Tuesday, January 4, at the 2011 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting. The title of the lecture is "Fuel options for next generation chemical propulsion".
2010 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School Lecture Videos Available
Sept. 15, 2010
Videos of the 2010 Princeton-CEFRC Summer School on Combustion Lectures are now available for viewing online at
Program Trains Scientists to Develop Future Fuels and Engines
Aug. 30, 2010
With petroleum supplies dwindling and global warming a growing concern, young scientists flocked to Princeton University this summer for a primer on the science of combustion, a key field of research for developing alternative fuels and the engines that will burn them.
Professor Chung K. Law Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
April 19, 2010

Chung K. Law, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering's Robert H. Goddard Professor, was elected today as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation's oldest and most prestigious honorary societies. A formal Induction Ceremony will take place in October at the Academy headquarters in Cambridge, MA. Scholars,…

Three CEFRC Principal Investigators to Deliver Plenary Lectures at the 33rd International Symposium on Combustion
April 16, 2010
The 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, organized by the Combustion Institute, will be hosted by Tsinghua University in Beijing, China on August 1- 6, 2010. At this widely-attended biennial symposium, three of the five plenary lectures will be delivered by principal investigators from the CEFRC. In the opening "Hottel Lecture", Professor Ronald K. Hanson of Stanford University will present modern techniques for studying chemical kinetics.
ASEE-PRISM March 2010 Feature
March 15, 2010
MANY VISIONS Backed by big federal grants, far-flung laboratory networks explore the horizons of energy science.
CEFRC Graduate Students Win Best Presentation Awards
Dec. 9, 2009
CEFRC Principal Investigator Professor Yiguang Ju of Princeton University, along with five of the University's graduate students, were invited to speak at the "2nd International Forum on Multidisciplinary Education and Research for Energy Science". This forum, which is sponsored by the Global COE program "Multidisciplinary Education and Research Center for Energy Science" at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, was conducted in Okinawa, Japan on December 12-16, 2009.
Department of Energy Establishes Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center
Aug. 20, 2009
In August 2009, the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center (CEFRC) was established at Princeton University by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The CEFRC, which is funded at $20M for five years, is part of a DOE initiative to spur discoveries that lay the groundwork for an economy based on clean replacements for fossil fuels.