Second Annual Conference, CEFRC

August 17-19, 2011, Princeton, NJ

August 17-19, 2011, Princeton, NJ

Wednesday, August 17 Day 1: Program Review

State of the CEFRC (Law)

Review of Theory DWG (Klippenstein)

Review of Experiment DWG (Wang)

Review of Flame DWG (Ju)

Thursday, August 18 Day 2: Internal Threading and Reaching Out

Re-cap and charge (Law)

Summary of States/Plans of DWGs and Thrusts (Law)

Outreach Activities (Law)

Breakout Sessions
Breakout sessions for DWGs (Ju, Klippenstein, Wang)
Assembly followed by breakout sessions for mechanism thrusts (Green)

Friday, August 19 Day 3: Moving Forward

Recap and charge (Law)
Revised short- and long-term plans of DWGs

  • Theory DWG (Klippenstein)
  • Experiment DWG (Wang)
  • Flame DWG (Ju)
  • Revised short- and long-term plans of mechanism thrusts (Green) 

Preparing for the Science Review (Law/Starikovskiy and PIs)
Preparation of the Advisors’ Report (Sarofim and advisors)
Report from the Advisors (Sarofim)
Conference Adjourns