August 17-19, 2011, Princeton, NJ
August 17-19, 2011, Princeton, NJWednesday, August 17 Day 1: Program Review
State of the CEFRC (Law)
Review of Theory DWG (Klippenstein)
- Biodiesel thermochemistry and kinetics with the multireference singles and doubles configuration interaction method (Carter)
- Computation of accurate thermochemistry and rate parameters for complex combustion reactions (Truhlar)
- Theoretical gas phase chemical kinetics (Klippenstein)
- Detailed chemistry models for butanols based on ab initio rate coefficients, and comparisons with experimental data (Green)
- Accurate computed rate coefficients for the hydrogen atom abstraction reactions from methanol and n-butanol by the hydroperoxyl radical (Alecu)
- Ab initio kinetics for the decomposition of -hydroxybutyl radical of n-butanol and monomethylhydrazine (Zhang)
Review of Experiment DWG (Wang)
- Developing fundamental kinetics data through shock tube studies (Hanson)
- Combustion studies of alcohols, hydrogen-rich fuels, and esters (Dryer)
- Autoignition studies of alternative fuels (Sung)
- Flame chemistry and diagnostics (Hansen/Yang)
- Chemical kinetics and transport of combustion processes (Wang)
- H2O number density measurements in an RCM and plasma combustion using mid-IR absorption (Uddi)
Review of Flame DWG (Ju)
- Flame studies of small hydrocarbons and oxygenated fuels (Egolfopoulos)
- Studies of kinetics and flame chemistry of methyl-esters and C0-C2 foundation fuels (Ju)
- Kinetic and transport processes in flames (Law)
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent combustion (Chen)
- Predictive turbulent combustion models (Pope)
Thursday, August 18 Day 2: Internal Threading and Reaching Out
Re-cap and charge (Law)
Summary of States/Plans of DWGs and Thrusts (Law)
- Theory DWG (Klippenstein)
- Experiment DWG (Wang)
- Flame DWG (Ju)
- Mechanism Thrusts (Green)
Outreach Activities (Law)
- Cybercombustion, Combustion Exa-scale Co-Design Center, PreSICE (Chen)
- Argonne-Sandia High-Pressure Combustion Consortium (Klippenstein)
- Catalysis Center for Energy Innovation, CCEI (Dion Vlachos)
- Center for Advance Biofuel Systems, CABS; and National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts, NAABB (Richard Sayre)
- Needs of industries (Westbrook)
Breakout Sessions
Breakout sessions for DWGs (Ju, Klippenstein, Wang)
Assembly followed by breakout sessions for mechanism thrusts (Green)
Friday, August 19 Day 3: Moving Forward
Recap and charge (Law)
Revised short- and long-term plans of DWGs
- Theory DWG (Klippenstein)
- Experiment DWG (Wang)
- Flame DWG (Ju)
- Revised short- and long-term plans of mechanism thrusts (Green)
Preparing for the Science Review (Law/Starikovskiy and PIs)
Preparation of the Advisors’ Report (Sarofim and advisors)
Report from the Advisors (Sarofim)
Conference Adjourns